Man on bicycle’challaned’ for reckless driving! – News2IN

Man on bicycle’challaned’ for reckless driving!

Man on bicycle'challaned' for reckless driving!
Written by news2in

Surat: Even though tens of thousands of commuters violate traffic rules with impunity each day, a 47-year-old per cent labourer on bike caught himself on the wrong aspect of the legislation when he turned into a courtroom challan for riding the incorrect side on federal highway-53 on Thursday.
Rajbahadur Yadav, a migrant worker in a cloth that has been captured by the traffic near Gabheni crossroads near Sachin GIDC about the street.
Paradoxically the challan Donating cop erroneously mentioned The Motor Vehicle Act rather than the Gujarat Police Act.
The challan reveals offence under section 184 of MV Act – driving dangerously.
Senior officials afterward confessed the part mentioned is incorrect.
“I had been planning to operate on my bike and has been on the incorrect side around Gabheni crossroad once the traffic cops stopped me.
They issued that the challan and requested me to show up in court and pay the fine,” said Yadav, a native of Uttar Pradesh who resides in Pandesara region with his loved ones.
Yadav earns $400 daily and is concerned about paying the good because he didn’t go to work at the first half of this day.
“I really don’t understand how severe my danger is I will need to have a day away to cover the fine today.
I didn’t understand that a bike rider could be fined such as this,” Yadav told TOI.
Yadav’s comparative Raj Yadav explained,”I’ve seen for the very first time a bike rider is punished for driving on the incorrect side.
” Meanwhilethere was anger against authorities as the photographs of Yadav along with challan went viral.
But authorities claim they’ve been penalizing bicyle passengers on this path to stop deadly accidents.
Traffic police officers claimed that riding a bike on the incorrect side is punishable.
“A bike rider cannot ride the wrong side and you could be neutralized under the GP Act.
The activity by the cop on duty wasn’t right but the part mentioned is incorrect,” said H Steel Mevada, assistant commissioner of traffic.
If asked if authorities can prevent people from moving on the incorrect side rather than devoting challan, he stated,”A great amount of individuals frequently ride on the incorrect side so we must begin penalizing them.
It’s a dangerous recurrence and driving on the wrong side contributes to fatal injuries.

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