Man opened clothes in the police locking in the letter – News2IN

Man opened clothes in the police locking in the letter

Written by news2in

Letter: A 55-year-old man from Talodara Village in the district of the letter allegedly undressed in locking at the Sababanpura police station on Saturday.
He also made explicit comments before a female police.
Suresh Nandwani, who was accused of being ordered for sexual harassment after police at the police station experienced a difficult time to dress Nandwani.
Police including police inspector M v Kikani had to enter the lock to make him wear his clothes.
Nandwani, was previously arrested on Friday for allegedly creating a commotion in a public place and attacking the police when they reached to prevent it from creating further disturbances.
Because he attacked the police, the police made him locked at the Sababatpura police station.
He shouted since he was stored in lock and at night.
When a female policeman asked him to remain silent, he took off his clothes and began making explicit comments sexually at the police of women who were present at the police station.
He refused to wear clothes even though the police asked him several times.
In the end the police entered the lock and made him wear clothes force.

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