Man was stabbed by nieces, his girlfriend – News2IN

Man was stabbed by nieces, his girlfriend

Written by news2in

Letter: A 30-year-old man who objected to a 17-year-old niece’s relationship with a boy was stabbed by both on Saturday night.
The man was saved by people who passed and rushed to the hospital from where he filed a complaint of the police.
In accordance with the complaint submitted at the Mahidharpura Police Station, Maheshbhai lives with his family in the Mahidharpura area in the city.
His brother-in-law whose widow also lived in the same area as his two daughters.
Maheshbhai opposed his nephew’s relationship with a boy.
It was reported that the boy began living with the girl’s family about six months ago.
On Saturday after night Maheshbahi was standing at an underpass near the Sahara gate when he saw Payal with his girlfriend.
Maheshbhai stopped both and asked his nephew not to roam with the boy.
Angered by Maheshbhai’s intervention, the girl and her boyfriend began to fight with him.
Immediately, both of them pulled the knife and while the girl stabbed Maheshbhai in the stomach, the boy stabbed him on the thigh.
When Maheshbhai began to shout to help both escape from the place.
Maheshbhai who was injured was taken to hospital where he filed a complaint against Payal and his girlfriend.
Mahidharpura police have registered a violation under the IPC 324, 326 and section 135 of the Gujarat police law.
(The name changes to hide the identity of those involved)

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