Manaeka closes the center of animals after a video of atrocities against dogs – News2IN
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Manaeka closes the center of animals after a video of atrocities against dogs

Manaeka closes the center of animals after a video of atrocities against dogs
Written by news2in

New Delhi: BJP leader Maneka Gandhi announced on Saturday announced his decision to close the Sanjay Gandhi animal care center in Delhi “for total reshuffle” considering the cruel incidence of rescue dogs.
A video began circulating on July 5 on social media that showed a dog beaten by an employee of Sanjay Gandhi Care Care in Delhi, which was run by the BJP leader.
The incident caused anger on various social media platforms with people who asked Maneka and authorities to take action against the perpetrators.
In his statement, Maneka said the dog bbled veterinarians, who responded with “scary violence”.
“This incident has surprised all of us for the core – I personally boil with my anger and stomach ache since I watched a terrible video.
We immediately filed firmly against veterinarians and they were arrested.
The doctor responsible for this section has been given a notification To go.
But this is not enough, “Manka said.
The former Union Minister said he would rebuild facilities and provide animal sensitivity training staff.
“It’s time to rebuild this institution from ground-up, and ensure that such events have never been repeated again,” he said.

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