Massage therapists get 25 years for life for sex crimes – News2IN

Massage therapists get 25 years for life for sex crimes

Massage therapists get 25 years for life for sex crimes
Written by news2in

Lawrence: A judge has sentenced the massage therapist to three prisoners for 25 years for life for several sex crimes against five people, including a child and three female soccer players at Kansas University.
Douglas County Judge Sally Pokorny punish Lawrence Shawn P Massage Therapist (50) on the Juror day after the jury found him guilty for eight counts.
Three of the accusations accused O’Brien indecent freedom with a child under the age of 14 because he caressed a girl who was 9 or 10 years old on three occasions between 2013 and 2015.
All three caused “hard 25” sentences, which meant he would have to Serving at least 25 years before qualifying for parole.
Pokorny said the three sentences of life would be served simultaneously, the journal Lawrence-World reported.
Five other accusations accused him of sexual batteries to caress four women while giving them a massage to treat problems related to sports between 2016 and 2019.
Three women playing for the Kansas University Football Team.
The fourth woman is a student who is a client in his office.
O’Brien contracts with a university to provide massage treatments to many athletes on campus.
The contract was stopped after the initial fee was submitted.
Deputy Prosecutor Joshua Seiden told the judges during the argument fight that O’Brien used his credentials as a professional massage therapist as a guise of the victims when he gave them a massage.
Seiden also pointed to the testimony of the soccer players who said that O’Brien stroked them when he gave a massage therapy for the team.
He said O’Brien claimed not to remember any incidents with athletes.
The Philip Defense Prosecutor’s Office Sedgwick argued that the case descended to “he said, he said,” The situation and suggest prosecutors do not bring enough evidence to punish O’Brien.
He said athletes did not complain about the method or told him that what he did made them uncomfortable.

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