McDonald’s triggered Brazilian controversy over Unisex toilet – News2IN

McDonald’s triggered Brazilian controversy over Unisex toilet

McDonald's triggered Brazilian controversy over Unisex toilet
Written by news2in

Rio de Janeiro: A McDonald’s restaurant in Brazil on Sunday was ordered to comply with health regulations by installing separate male and female toilets after triggering controversy with Unisex bathroom.
The scandal erupted through a viral video shot from the Unisex toilet from McDonald’s restaurant in Bauru, in the state of Sao Paulo.
In the video, a woman who seems to have shot the clip can sound complaining: “It doesn’t make sense! Children use this bathroom.
This is communism in our city of Bauru, embarrassing!” The video caused a storm like a health official visiting the restaurant and “found that city health regulations were not yet respected,” said Bauru Mayor Suellen Roim on Twitter.
According to local law, the bathroom must be “separated and identified, one for each sex.” McDonald’s has been given two weeks to comply with regulations or face good closures or restaurants.
The company explained in a statement that he tried to create a “inclusion and respect” field so “everyone felt welcome to use” bathroom.
Fast food chains say it works with the authorities to “meet certain standards.” But this problem compiled conservative anger in the country where the question of gender has been a hot topic since the far right president Jair Bolsonaro – often accused of sexism and homophobia – taking power three years ago.

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