MEA intensified efforts to help Indians stranded in Afghanistan – News2IN

MEA intensified efforts to help Indians stranded in Afghanistan

Written by news2in

New Delhi: India is a constant contact with the US for a quick evacuation of 400-450 Indian citizens still in Afghanistan, the official source said.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested all Indian citizens who need help to contact special Afghan cells that issued more telephone numbers.
Indian citizens chose to remain in Afghanistan despite five security advisors issued by the Indian Embassy in Kabul since April this year about a very fluctuous and dangerous situation in the country.
The first three advisors, released on April 12, June 29 and July 4, warned Indian citizens about the threat of abduction and asked them to register with the embassy.
Another advisor issued on August 10 asked Indians to make travel arrangements immediately to return to India before commercial air service was stopped.
While the government urged to reopen the Kabul Airport commercial terminal with the US, which remained responsible for airport operations, the government has also opened the option to repatriate Indian citizens through military flights or special charter.
In New York, Minister of Foreign Affairs S Jaishankar said the Indian focus was to ensure security in Afghanistan and the return of safe Indian countries.
This was also submitted to the Deputy Secretary of the US State Wendy Sherman by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs Harsh Shringla in a conference call on Wednesday.
Shringla also thanked us because of her aid in the evacuation of Indian diplomats.

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