Meet Ziggy, Male Alexa Partners on Amazon Echo Speakers – News2IN

Meet Ziggy, Male Alexa Partners on Amazon Echo Speakers

Meet Ziggy, Male Alexa Partners on Amazon Echo Speakers
Written by news2in

Since its launch in November 2014, Alexa – Amazon voice-based assistant – only has a woman’s voice.
However, Amazon will now offer a man’s voice for the first time.
According to a report by the threshold, Amazon introduced a new wake word called Ziggy.
Ziggy is a masculine sound and the user will still have the choice of Alexa’s voice.
Until now, Amazon has words like computers, echoes and amazon but the sound is the same as Alexa’s.
The next report says that the user will have the option to switch between two new or original voice options.
They can also ask Alexa to change your voice.
Users must set new sounds on their Alexa devices because it will not change automatically.
To get new voice users must say “Alexa, change your voice” and the digital assistant will replace gender.
Users will also have the option to change the sound by heading to the Alexa application settings menu.
Amazon was a little late to bring this change because Google and Apple offer several voice options for their assistants – Siri and Google Assistant.
The company has explained that Alexa is not “someone with a physical body or gender identity” and that “Amazon does not allow the organization (for example, skills or AV) refers to Alexa.” Until now, the Alexa Male Voice option – or Ziggy – will be available in the US.
However, it is expected to run to other countries too.

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