Members of the Main Parliament of Asail Taliban for Announcement of Interim Government – News2IN

Members of the Main Parliament of Asail Taliban for Announcement of Interim Government

Members of the Main Parliament of Asail Taliban for Announcement of Interim Government
Written by news2in

Washington: Members of the American Parliament from the Opposition Republican Party on Tuesday hit the Taliban for their announcement of the temporary government in Afghanistan which included specially appointed global terrorists.
“Don’t be fooled.
There is nothing more moderate about the Taliban government that is revived.
This is a terrorist government, by terrorists, and for terrorists,” said the Republican study committee, which is the largest conservative caucus at home.
Representative and chaired by members of Jim Bank Congress.
“The new Taliban cabinet consists of former Guantanamo bay prisoners, designated terrorists, and other individuals closely related to foreign terror groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Haqqani network,” said Congress of Congress Burchett.
Burchett said the Taliban clearly did not have the intention to moderate their beliefs and methods of their government, and the Biden government “stupidly trusted them to keep citizens and ally securely”.
“President Biden needs to show strength and let the Taliban know they cannot put Americans in danger or facilitate terror acts without serious retribution,” he said.
“This is a terrorist government, by terrorists, and for terrorists,” said the Republic.
“President Biden still attaches to crazy fantasies that the Taliban is better and tender.
This is nonsense,” said Senator Ben Sasse, a member of the Select Senate Committee on intelligence.
“Haqqani is the minister of a new Taliban domestic for the same reason as the FBI gets a gift USD 5 Million in his head: He was a bloodthirsty terrorist, “Sasse said.
Taliban on Tuesday launched a temporary temporary government led by Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, with a key role distributed by high group members from rebel groups, including Sirajuddin Haqqani – a global terrorist appointed from the designated Haqqani network – as a Minister of Home Affairs.
“He is armed, dangerous, and runs the country we have just left behind.
Americans are still trapped behind the Taliban line.
The Biden government still refuses to express how many of our people they leave, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to talk about how they really are Hope the Taliban will fulfill their commitment.
Sadly, “Sasse said.
Claudia Tenney Congress said it was theocratic government.
“Four of the five prisoners that Obama traded for Bowe Bergdahl now is a senior Taliban official.
One thing that never fails: The weakness and appealing policy of Obama-Biden has always been ahead of Americans faster or Slow, “he said.” The new Taliban, just like the old Taliban, plus the international terrorist who is currently sought after.
Seriously, is anyone surprised by this? “Tweeted Congressman Scott Franklin.

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