Men are imprisoned for failing to pay for child care – News2IN

Men are imprisoned for failing to pay for child care

Men are imprisoned for failing to pay for child care
Written by news2in

Mumbai: In a rare example, a court judge recently sent BMC employees to prison a month for failing to pay Rs 2.64 lakh in the maintenance of his alienated wife.
The court said the defendant was released after he paid.
In 2017, the man who produced RS 30,000 was ordered to pay monthly maintenance of Rs 6,000.
However, when he did not pay the money, the woman moved a court, looked for prisons under the provisions of the household violence because he had not paid arrears.
The couple married in 2008.
The woman accused her family and her from atrocities.
He alleged that man told him that he never wanted to marry him.
He further accused that the husband’s family did various things to ensure that they had never had privacy.
The woman also accused them of misusing it physically.
In 2016, he moved the Magistrate Court.
In 2017, the court ordered maintenance to be paid.
However, the husband did not pay.
The woman again moved the court earlier this year.
The court has also issued an order to the male employer to reduce Rs 10,000 per month from his salary.
However, because he remained absent from work, he was paid lower and reduced maintenance was not made possible by the employer.
The woman then moved the court to restore arrears.
In February, the court ordered the man to be sent to prison because specifically failed in maintaining a month.
The man made a payment of Rs 20,000.
The court then ordered for his release.
It warns him that if he doesn’t pay the remaining amount, he will return to prison.
When he defaults again, the woman moved a court.
However, the man did not respond.
The court issued a warrant for trouble.
“The record shows that respondents [human] is a servant of the government and get a handsome salary, but he does not pay maintenance to the applicant [women].
I have asked for respondents whether he is ready to pay maintenance or maintenance of the part …
he submits that he will not Paying a single pie to the applicant against maintenance, because he is ready to live with him, “said the court in order.
Further observed that the man had even proposed that he was ready to go to prison but did not pay.
“Today too, he is not ready to pay maintenance or payment in his direction.
Therefore, I have no alternative but to send respondents to prison to default maintenance …” said the court.

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