Men don’t need to register for the biggest e-scooter factory in the world – News2IN

Men don’t need to register for the biggest e-scooter factory in the world

Men don't need to register for the biggest e-scooter factory in the world
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Ola Electric PVT New Electric Scooter Factory aims to build 10 million two-wheels per year, or 15% of the world e-scooters in 2022, in carrying out operations and managed fully by women.
Led by Bhavish Aggarwal, the E-Mobility business is a follow-up to rise-Ola Startup, which is expected to make its debut in public market next year.
The vision for the latest business is to provide the world “clean mobility, carbon-negative trail, and inclusive workforce,” said the founder.
The first worker group began this week at the factory in Krishnagiri, around 2.5 hours southeast of Bangalore, which would cost $ 330 million.
“At full capacity, forfactory will employ more than 10,000 women, making it the factory only the biggest woman in the world and the only automotive manufacturing facility of all women globally,” he wrote on a blog on Monday.
Supported by Softbank Group Corp.
and Tiger Global Management, Ola Electric seems to launch a scooter every two seconds after completing the expansion planned next year.
The factory will be substantially automatically and includes 3,000 robots that work in addition to all women’s workforce.
Aggarwal’s goal is to finally assemble the full lineup of electric vehicles including tricycle and cars.
E-Scooter S1 Prime Ola will be priced at Rs 99,999 ($ ​​1,360) to compete with traditional two-wheeled wheels in India.
Exports will begin later this year.
“Allows women with economic opportunities to improve not only their lives but from their families and indeed the whole community,” said Aggarwal.
Women’s participation in the local manufacturing industry only stands at 12% and “for India to become a world manufacturing hub, we must prioritize efforts that fend off and produce our female workers,” the founder said on the blog.

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