Men pour diesel on Tahsildar during protests – News2IN

Men pour diesel on Tahsildar during protests

Men pour diesel on Tahsildar during protests
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: A man allegedly poured diesel in Tahsildar during a protest by a group of farmers and other people in the Medak District of Telangana on Tuesday after flushing themselves with fuel, police said.
The incident occurred at the Tahsildar office in the Mandal Shivampet, they said.
The police said a group of farmers from Talapally Sign (Hamlet) gathered in front of Tahsildar’s office on Tuesday and held a demonstration of protests after the death of a farmer’s colleague because of electricity on Monday, police said.
They alleged that Tahsildar had not issued a “Pattadar” savings book (land ownership) to a dead farmer for his agricultural land and claimed that because he might not get life insurance under the state government scheme.
In a video clip, a group of people looked gathered in front of the office and protested even with one of them it was said to be seen pouring diesel from the bottle on himself and then in Tahsildar, even though the others immediately pulled it back.
Tahsildar told the TV channel that one person after flushing himself with diesel poured fuel to him too.
Regarding protests, Tahsildar said there was a request to issue Passadar Pattadar books for agricultural land for the past three years.
However, the intended land (from a died farmer) is under a dispute over the boundaries with forest land, he said.
After verifying the record, a report sent to the collector and the material is being examined.
Collectors have also held discussions with the Ministry of Forestry and the savings book will be issued, he said.
Following complaints by Tahsildar, a case under the relevant parts of the IPC including registered murder attempts, although no one was detained, a police officer said.
In the report said that the man, who poured diesel in Tahsildar, was a farmer, the official said this problem was being verified.
In November 2019, a man suspected of killing a Tahsildar woman happily in his office in Abdullapurmet near a very large land dispute.
The driver of Tahsildar also died after he suffered burns in an effort to save him.
The attacker, who also suffered severe burns, died later.

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