Men try to rape women; Registered case – News2IN

Men try to rape women; Registered case

Men try to rape women; Registered case
Written by news2in

Muzaffarnagar: A man has been ordered for allegedly breaking into a house in a village in Muzaffardagar and trying to rape a 30-year-old woman in Knifepoint, police said on Monday.
The defendant, Vishal, tried to rape a married woman when he slept in his parents’ house in Tajpur Village at the bottom of the Chapar police station on Sunday, they said.
According to complaints submitted by the family, Vishal allegedly entered the room with a knife in hand and tried to increase it, the police said.
The woman lifted an alarm, forced the man to escape, they said.
Cases have been registered against men based on complaints, police said, adding that the search was ongoing to catch him.
(The identity of the victim has not been revealed to protect its privacy according to the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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