Men’s Jammu gets a capsule size Pacemaker in Delhi – News2IN

Men’s Jammu gets a capsule size Pacemaker in Delhi

Men's Jammu gets a capsule size Pacemaker in Delhi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Your Jammum-based businessman has received a new lease after undergoing surgery to get a new “capsule” pacemaker to treat the condition of his heart rhythm, the doctor said on Wednesday, claiming that it was “the smallest in the world” pacemaker.
At a virtual press conference held in Delhi, doctors and patients sharing challenges and experiences of procedures.
Subash Chandra Sharma, 52, benefited from the implantation of “the smallest pacemaker in the world” to treat the condition of his heart rhythm, the doctor said.
This surgical conducted recently at Max Hospital, Saket, by a team of doctors, led by Dr.
Balbir Singh, chairman, cardiac science at the facility.
“Capsule-sized pacemaker is 93 percent smaller than conventional pacemakers and requires a minimal invasive approach.
This has the potential to benefit a larger part of people in India who undergo surgery of pacemaker every year,” according to a statement issued by Dr.
Sharma, who came from Jammu, previously experienced a sudden increase in his heartbeat while playing with his children and had blackouts after such activities.
Feeling something serious, he consulted a doctor locally and then took the second opinion of Dr.
Singh, he said.
“Doctors recommend several tests, including holter monitoring, which shows the lost heartbeat.
In this condition it is called bradycardia, a heart beats slower than usual, which can be corrected by a pacemaker that sends an electrical signal to the heart to improve the beat,” said the statement that.
“After careful consideration of the patient’s condition and test results, we know that the operation of the pacemaker is needed to avoid potentially serious consequences.
I suggest a pacemaker to Sharma to minimize any risk, because it has increased blood sugar levels and pressure Blood, “Singh said.
Sharma said he was originally worried about the full and anxious operation of the limits that came with implants.
“Some of my patients felt a little inconvenience with traditional pacemakers, placed under the skin on the chest.
At that time, it could potentially cause an opportunity for infection.
But the new lean pacemaker has minimized the risk of pocket infection such as infection.
Skin change, Including pain, swelling, redness etc., “DR SINGH claims.
Because this sophisticated pacemaker is placed in the heart through the vein in the legs, chest incisions are avoided and also “do not make scars or lumps under the skin,” he said.
A team spokesman said the operation was held on May 29 and this smaller pacemaker cost Rs 14 Lakh on average.
After being removed from the hospital, Sharma said, “Before entering, I have several episodes where I really fainted.
I also experienced shortness of breath, so I wanted to continue the procedure.”

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