Merkel said the Afghanistan situation was “regrettable” – News2IN

Merkel said the Afghanistan situation was “regrettable”

Merkel said the Afghanistan situation was "regrettable"
Written by news2in

KABUL: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, called the situation in Afghanistan as “very regrettable” and stated that a command could not be created in this country for women’s dreams to be pursued peacefully despite the “best intention”, reported local media.
Merkel hopes that different results have happened to the torn country, reported ToloNews to quote his conversation with Deutsche Welle.
“I want to tell the Afghans that we are of course very sad to the fact that we don’t succeed in achieving what we want to do, namely finding an independent political order in Afghanistan, one where girls can go to school, women can fulfill Their desire, and with eternal peace, “Tolonews said by saying.
“Wrong because it is located not with Germany alone.
Afghanistan, for their part, not solving it.
It was very regrettable,” he said further.
Speaking of the evacuation process in the country, Merkel said that Germany not only evacuated a large number of staff from Afghanistan but also helped many Afghans who did not work with Germany but were active supporters of freedom and democracy in the Asian country who torn war, according to tolonews.
Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch is worried that there will be an increase in child marriages throughout the country because of the lack of education and increased poverty, report tolonews.
“Access to education is another problem.
As you know, most women’s secondary schools are still closed, and even open elementary schools seem very low attended by girls and boys too – So the large proportion of children in Afghanistan was rejected the right to education today.
And this leads to another problem that is a marriage of a child.
We know that the combination of poverty and lack of access to education is to encourage child marriages and we have also seen extraordinary reports about their children who sell their children – Almost always girls – to pay for food, “said Tolonews Heather Barr at Human Rights Watch said.

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