Metropolitan Chennai Area: Unhappy Farmers, Realtors Cheer – News2IN

Metropolitan Chennai Area: Unhappy Farmers, Realtors Cheer

Metropolitan Chennai Area: Unhappy Farmers, Realtors Cheer
Written by news2in

Farmers are worried about the feasibility of expanding the Metropolitan region of Chennai (CMA), while Realtors emphasize that it will facilitate better infrastructure for additional fields.
The farmer’s association opposes city expansion because they believe that development will harm the region’s agricultural sector.
K Nehru, Kancheepuram District Secretary from Tamil Nadu Vivasayigal affiliated with CPM, said CMA expansion would have a negative impact on agriculture in the Chennai environment.
“This step will only expand soil prices and will not be beneficial for rural people,” he said.
In 2018, the association opposed the steps during the meeting held by the Metropolitan Development Authority Chennai in Kancheepuram, who was seeking the opinion of the local population.
According to Nehru, around 1.5 lakh hectares of agricultural land are spread in Chengalpet and Kancheepuram districts.
Of this number, almost 90,000 hectares were caused by cultivation thanks to the monsoon above last year.
“Realtor and industry will be a real beneficiary because they can buy property for future development.
This will further influence agriculture in the region that has seen fertile agricultural land converted to housing plots, he said.
On the other hand, developers increase to expand CMA for Increasing Infrastructure Activities, Economic Growth Subset.
S Sridharan, Chair of Policy Advocacy, Urban Development and Housing, Cradu, said basic facilities such as pipeline drinking water can be extended to the periphery which is part of a metropolitan city.
Civil infrastructure is available in Chennai’s core bags will be extended to Expanded areas, “he said.

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