Microsoft to review Request Bill Gates, Harassment – News2IN

Microsoft to review Request Bill Gates, Harassment

Microsoft to review Request Bill Gates, Harassment
Written by news2in

Microsoft Corp., responding to shareholders from shareholders, has employed law firms to review sexual harassment policies and gender discrimination and examine the 2019 Board Investigation against Co-Founder Bill Gates.
Efforts by Arent Fox LLP will include a summary of the previous council investigation into allegations against Gates and the results of abuse investigations since 2019 against other board members or members of Microsoft’s senior leadership team, said Thursday in a statement.
“The company is experienced in these matters and has not been involved in representing Microsoft in matters of employment, also does not carry out a large amount of work for the company in the past,” Microsoft said.
Arent Fox will report to the Board and Microsoft Management, which will prepare a plan to act on recommendations.
After that, the board will provide a public report, which is expected to be released in the spring, findings and management plans to overcome them.
The non-binding shareholder resolution is called Microsoft to review the effectiveness of the sexual harassment policy.
Resolution, sponsored by Arjuna Capital, approved in November for the company’s opposition.
It happened after the report that Gates behaved was not right against women’s employees many years ago.
The work of law firms will include concerns that are raised by employees in the long 2019 email utas and Microsoft actions take to overcome the problem.
It will also check the steps taken to request workers’ accountability and executives and enter data on cases investigated since 2019 and the results, all items are part of the resolution.
Law firm will also compare Microsoft to best practices in places in other companies.
“It seems like they are overcoming all of our concern points, and as they say, will be sort of above and beyond it to see what best practices and how to improve moving forward, who promises,” Natasha Lamb, managing Arjuna.
Couples, said in an interview.
Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella mentioned the review “the opportunity to continue to be better.” “Our culture remains a priority of our number one and the entire council appreciates the importance of a safe and inclusive environment for all Microsoft employees,” Nadella said in the statement.
“We are committed not only to review reports but learn from assessment so that we can continue to improve the experience of our employees.” Great investors such as BlackRock Inc.
and Vanguard Group Inc.
are willing to be involved in the way they are not in the past, the words, which lead to more success for shareholders who are trying to encourage the company about environmental, social and governance issues, known as ESG.
“You see more noise coming to the table and expressing ESG problems and I don’t see the install change in the near future,” he said.
“There is great growth in assets and ESG companies increasingly seeing this problem is material for performance and important in terms of interesting and maintaining talent.”

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