Migrant problems: 3,650 cases in five years in Kerala – News2IN

Migrant problems: 3,650 cases in five years in Kerala

Migrant problems: 3,650 cases in five years in Kerala
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: A total of 3,650 cases are registered in Kerala by the police for the past five years, where guest workers defendants, show records available with strength.
In accordance with data, these figures raise concern because numbers rise consistently since 2016, except 2020 when Covid-19 began and many of them returned home.
The number of cases where guest workers were accused of 639 in 2016 and increased to 744, 805 and 978 in 2017, 2018 and 2019.
But in 2020, when the majority of workers left the state, the number of criminal cases fell to 484.
There was also an example when workers like That – who was involved in a criminal case here – left the country and caused the headache for the police during the investigation.
Of the total guest workers in Kerala, the government has data about one third of them (around), collected by the Labor Department under the insurance scheme.
The department has data on laborers of 5.25 lakh, including around three lakh returning home during locking.
However, it is not known how many of them returned to Kerala.
During the previous LDF government work, the department has compiled a regulation that made it mandatory for every guest worker, coming to the country, to register the details with it.
However, regulations that are passed on to the Law Department, do not make further progress.
A study of the use of liquor by guest workers has shown that the use of PAN Masala and alien liquor is common between them.
Excise and police officers confirm that many who return to the country are marijuana carriers.
“Most for its own use, although some also find the opportunity to make money.
The use of marijuana and alcohol among them is the main reason why they are increasingly involved in criminal activities here,” said the top police officer.
On the other hand, the source of the Labor Department said that remembering their condition and remained condition, it was not surprising that they vented their frustration that lead to incidents as reported by Kizhakkambalam on Saturday.
“The previous department tried to do inspections in Kitex, but it didn’t succeed.
Tell the officials to meet workers there, they could explain their complaints and such steps could prevent incidents like what happened on Saturday,” said an official of the Department of Workers Work.

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