Mihir BHOJ Controversy: There is no permission for Gurjar Mahapachayat in Dadri Inter-College – News2IN

Mihir BHOJ Controversy: There is no permission for Gurjar Mahapachayat in Dadri Inter-College

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Noida: Permit has been rejected for the Mahapchayat Gurjar Community (Meeting) to discuss their demands for an apology from the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the most nine controversy and naming the airport.
The day before the upcoming Mahapachayat, the school principal letter Mihir BHOJ Inter-College went viral where he mentioned that there was no permission given for the event.
Gurjar Swabhiman Samiti, whose leaders are at the forefront of holding Mahapachayat scheduled for Sunday said they have taken permission from the campus government body.
While Mahapachayat was previously proposed to be held at Samrat Mihir Bhoj Degree College, the Gurjar community leaders were asked to refrain from holding the event here considering the controversy broke out on September 26.
The Mahapachayat participant was stopped from entering a bachelor’s degree where the plaque incident under the statue of the ninth century ruler was smeared with black ink, triggering a prolonged controversy between the Gurjar and Rajput community for the legacy of the ruler.
The Mahapachayat place was changed to Mihir BHOJ Inter College in Dadri but the last school principal wrote to Dadri police on Saturday that he had not given permission for the event and the police must take the necessary actions.
“It must be taken to your notification that some people prepare to arrange meetings at Inter-College without permission from the principal.
They said that they had shown permission given by Gurjar Vidya Sabha,” read the letter to go viral on Saturday.
The letter came in response to the Dadri police notice issued for inter-university management under CRPC 149 (police to prevent violations that could be recognized).
Rashtriya Gurjar Swabhiman Samiti-led by Ravindra Bhati with Azad Sajaj Party, however, said they had the necessary permits from “Gurjar Vidya Sabha.” “We have taken the necessary permits needed for the same thing from the inter-College government agency who made a decision on the provision of permission to hold an event in the inter-College.
They have written to Dadri police who stated that the letter from the Inter-College Principal was considered Null and void, “said Ravindra Bhati.” The leadership body led by President Pawan Bhati has given Samiti’s permission to hold a meeting on the occasion of Sardar Patel Jayanti.
The principal or manager does it do not have the authority to give permission for the use of inter-college resources high, “he added.
Radha Charan Bhati, President of Gurjar Vidya Sabha – The parent body that funded the institution to the Toi that they did not have a role in giving any permits for the incident.
“Each of the six institutes, including the Bachelor of Bachelor’s degree or MIHIR BHOJ Inter-College, has a government agency.
This government agency is the authority to decide who should be given permission to hold any event.
Gurjar Vidya Sabha is the parent body from All agencies govern and only help them with funding, etc.
We have nothing to do with permission, “he said.
Meanwhile, there is uncertainty over whether Mahapachayat will be permitted on Sunday or not when Gautam Police Buddh Nagar says it is ready to face the law and the order situation.
Senior police officers were in the crowd of arrangements for Sunday events to Saturday nights when they tightened about whether Mahapachayat would be permitted.
Dadri Sho Pradeep Tripathi told TII that they had mobilized enough police forces in the area.
“We are ready for any situation.
Active discussion with all stakeholders,” he said.
Mahapachayat was called on September 26 withdrawing the arrest of more than 250 participants.

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