MILAP Zaveri rejoined Twitter after a year – News2IN

MILAP Zaveri rejoined Twitter after a year

MILAP Zaveri rejoined Twitter after a year
Written by news2in

Director of MILAP Zaveri has rejected Twitter after he left the micro-blogging site last year in September.
He climbed into his handle and all praise for Mohit Raina and Konkona Sen Sharma who were just released digital performances.
He tweeted, “Back to Twitter after more than a year.
My first tweet was the one award for how brilliant #Mumbaidiary took the arc @nikkhiladvani @maphubhojwani @Madhubhojwani @emmaydafinda for this extraordinary show!”
Back to Twitter After more than a year ❤️ Tweet 1 I am the one award for how brilliant #Mumbaidiary …— Zmilap (@masszaveri) 1631383823000

As soon as he tweeted, his fans and friends gave him a warm welcome.
One fan of writing, “Twitter & mass cinema friendly @Masszaveri AAG LAGNA CHAHIYE # SMJ2 to SATH SIRF Theater Me” Another Fan Writing, “Nahi Karoge @masszaveri Sir Sir Twitter PE, Both Mr.
Mass Massa Masala Safe Behalf Megastar Salman Khan Fans.

Last year, he had issued a statement about his Instagram handle and was informed about Stop Twitter.
He has written, “When I joined Twitter it was a great place to express views, thoughts, reflections.
To connect with people.
To appreciate others.
To be updated with the latest news.
But it’s too late to be a very full-poisonous place With trolls and negativity.
But I’m a very positive person! Therefore, today I bid on Adieu.

Speaking of the same thing, he told Etimes before, “it became a toxic and negative place and I was a very positive person.
And I like to spread my ponytitility and I always try to write good things on Twitter.
And the troll just goes hammer and Clamp, people write bad things.
And it is a disturbing media; I prefer to spend it with my family, with my son.
Spend quality time rather than always see Twitter and after that finding a violation, it doesn’t have to be aimed at me, but Only in general.
The negativity on the platform became truly toxic, so I decided to let it go.

Satyameva Jayate 2 ‘MILAP Next’ featured John Abraham and Divya Khosla Kumar.
They have completed film shooting.
It was scheduled to release last year, but because of a pandemic, they had to delay it.
The maker has not announced the new release date.

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