Ministry of Health, Niti Aayog launched the Covid-19 Vaccination Learning Exchange Initiative – News2IN

Ministry of Health, Niti Aayog launched the Covid-19 Vaccination Learning Exchange Initiative

Ministry of Health, Niti Aayog launched the Covid-19 Vaccination Learning Exchange Initiative
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Ministry of Health of Union and Niti Aayog launched the initiative ‘Kota-19 Covid-19 Covid-19 Exchange (COVLEX) supported by USAID to build a global Covid-19 vaccination knowledge management platform and start exchanging ideas and learning of the Pandemic response.
According to official releases, the COVLEX platform will develop knowledge products such as interactive web-based knowledge portals, summarizes of best practices, and regulate virtual forums for cities and countries to learn from their respective experiences.
Discussion Topics will range from the procurement of vaccines, governance, digital innovation planning, and management, vaccine supply chains, communication and social mobilization, capacity building, bad events after immunization, and supervision and supervision.
Vinod K.
Paul, Member, Niti Aayog; Dr.
Manohar Agnani, the additional secretary, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), the Government of India and Veena Reddy, Mission Director, USAID, India began initiatives.
They joined Dr.
Rakesh Kumar, Chief Advisor, Population Services International (PSI); Representatives from the Ministry of External Affairs, the Indian Government, USAID, state government of Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Maharastra, Delhi, Gujarat, WHO, UNICEF, Gates Foundation, Line and Participants from Nigeria, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa.
Given the Covid-19 pandemic, countries have been thrown into a challenging situation on response and recovery, especially those without the production capacity of domestic vaccines in South Global.
Apart from the challenges along the way, some countries have also tried to implement innovative solutions through collaboration, technology, and private sector involvement.
India has played an important role in supplying the 95-country vaccine under the initiative of ‘Maitri Vaccine’ very early in the vaccination campaign under the leadership of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and currently leads a free vaccination drive – for all the largest in the world.
Hansel Vinod K.
Paul, Member, Niti Aayog, said, “The last year captured the true essence of global solidarity, innovation, and collaboration.
India can share many lessons with countries from its national efforts.
The aggregation and implementation of proven interventions from South Global will be a step Welcome to our struggle against Covid-19.
Manohar Agnani, an additional secretary, Mohfw, said that” the boost of Indian vaccination was adhere to the past few months with up to 100 million vaccinations managed within two weeks in September.
This result is The peak of careful planning and joint efforts by the center.
The state government in the production, procurement, and supply of vaccines is equipped with technological advancements such as Cowin, etc.
The Indian government will wholeheartedly contribute and support in providing knowledge and tools to other countries In speeding up their vaccination campaigns.
“Veena Reddy, Mission Director , USAID, India, added, “Not implementation, every country is at a different stage of Covid-19 national vaccination campaign.
By bringing together donors, governments, development organizations, and the private sector of 11 countries, we will be able to offer valuable insights around Covid-19 best practices vaccination, challenges, and innovative solutions when we race to vaccinate the population to end the pandemic and better manage shocks Public health in the future.
Rakesh Kumar, Head of Advisor, Population Services International (PSI), said,” With a new variant that emerged, a population that was not vaccinated continued to bear the burden of the coronavirus.
The world has gathered in developing vaccines in a short time, and there are many reasons to equip the global community with tools to effectively vaccinate their population.
Because the virus is a novel, and continues to grow, regular learning exchanges will provide encouragement to the efforts of national vaccinations of various countries and inspire others to follow.
“As part of the initiative, 15 Indian and global cities will initially participate with the aim of being involved with more cities in the future.
The Covid-19 vaccination strategy has the potential to be a modifier of the game in strengthening the national routine immunization program, which in turn will Contributing to providing effective primary health care services and accelerates progress to achieve universal health care.

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