Minor sexual assault: Police get DCW notifications – News2IN

Minor sexual assault: Police get DCW notifications

Minor sexual assault: Police get DCW notifications
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Thursday issued a notification to the city police who were looking for detailed actions taken in suspicion of sexual attacks from a 6-year-old girl in East Delhi.
The panel said he had been told that the girl was kidnapped and raped on August 11 when she played outside her house.
The child was bleeding and had been referred to the AIIMS hospital, he said.
“This is a very serious problem,” he said.
The cremation left by the Human Network and the foot of the dalit girl held at Delohe Panel looking for a copy of FIR registered in this case, the accused details of being captured and detailed actions taken by August 16, Head of DCW Swati Maliwal regretted that there was no discussion about the salvation of women in the country after after events that occur in the trilokpuri.
The minor was sexually attacked by a 34-year-old man in his neighborhood in Trilokpuri on Wednesday, police said.
The defendant was arrested in this case, they said.
“A sinless girl was six years raped by a predator in the Vihar area.
Our team came with a girl since yesterday.
The police have now arrested the defendant.
For how long the little girls will be a victim of a brutality? Why is there no discussion about women’s safety at This country? “Maliwal said in a tweet in Hindi.
The Vihar Incident took place for days after a girl Dalit was allegedly raped and killed in the old Nangal Delhi area southwest.
The girl had died of a suspicious state on August 1 even when her parents allegedly raped and was forcibly cremated by a priest of the crematorium.

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