Mixed reality: lack of chip, net faster, push privacy in 2022 – News2IN

Mixed reality: lack of chip, net faster, push privacy in 2022

Mixed reality: lack of chip, net faster, push privacy in 2022
Written by news2in

In 2021, semiconductor deficiency was in focus.
In the new year, while the chip will remain rare, Indians can expect internet faster.
Regulatory steps will also open the way for improved privacy in the world changing internet.
Billionaire Tech Jack Dorsey has argued on Twitter via the Web 3.0 and the use of metaverse, which is expected to change the internet …
no chips | Chip deficiency causes a higher price and delay in supply of various products, including cars and medical devices.
This will continue at least for the first half of 2022.
Engineers also make progress with 3D integrated circuits – the next big thing in the chip world.
Internet Satellite The launch of 5G, along with the increase in optical fiber broadband connections, will mean better quality and internet connectivity range.
New technology such as satellite-based broadband can also come to India.
In addition, the recent increase in tariffs by Telcos will increase investment in cellular networks.
10 minutes | Open the door as soon as you place food ingredients because technology has activated a startup to be sent in 10 minutes.
Drone rules can also allow to get orders via air route, which are used to send vaccines to remote locations.
New internet | What does Metaverse and Web 3.0 mean? What role is Blockchain and Augmented Reality played? There is no simple answer, but decentralization and virtual reality can rediscover your interaction with the internet, even though it doesn’t spend the night.
Don’t track | Regulations will have an impact on how your data is stored and used by influential Internet giants.
Indian data protection bill will also help the country following with strides tech takes 2 decades.

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