Mizoram wants CS sent by MHA out because he can’t speak Mizo – News2IN

Mizoram wants CS sent by MHA out because he can’t speak Mizo

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Guwahati: After the Ministry of the House appointed the Secretary of the Head of Mizoram in the example “never before”, CM Zoramthanga had written to Amit Shah urging him to modify the order and appoint other people who had “work knowledge about Mizo language” as it was.
The minister and most of Mizo did not understand Hindi.
On October 28, Mha shifted the Renu Sharma from Agubut cadres from New Delhi to the State to take over as the main secretary from November 1 and even as the state government on the same day called the additional CS JC Ramthanga to the top bureaucracy, leaving the two secretaries main.
“Mizo people, in general, don’t understand Hindi and there are no ministers of my cabinet who understand Hindi.
Some of them even have problems with English.
With such a background, a head secretary without knowledge of the standard Mizo language It will never be an effective and efficient major secretary, “Zoramthanga said in October 29 to Shah.
The National Front of the Mizo CM is a constituent of NDA.
“Because of this fact, the Indian government has never posted a major secretary who does not know the work standard of Mizo since the creation of the Mizoram (SIC) country”.
He also reminded Shah that he had become a “faithful partner from NDA” and added that his request would be returned on a positive record.

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