MLA, PMC Head Approach to Better Facilities – News2IN

MLA, PMC Head Approach to Better Facilities

MLA, PMC Head Approach to Better Facilities
Written by news2in

PUNE: MLA Ashok Pawar recently held meetings with the Pune Municipal Corporation Vikram Kumar, in the presence of local residents, to improve civilian facilities in Wagholi and surrounding areas.
Pawar said the meeting was meant to draw attention to issues such as the settlement scheme of water supply, streamlining the movement of traffic, the installation of street lights, the removal of encroachment, the provision of hospitals, waste management, construction of water tanks overhead and setting citizen center utterance (CFC) in Wagholi.
Commissioners have assured concrete steps on some issues, said MLA.
Locals in Wagholi looking forward to better facilities after the area was included in the PMC limits last year along with 22 other villages.
Yogesh jadhav, a local resident, said, “We follow up the matter with the gram panchayat, but the government faced difficulties in carrying out the work with limited resources.
Residents are still dependent on the water tank.
PMC should set up a center so basic facilities such as the provision of certificates of birth / death can be made available at the local level.
” Pawar said, “Wagholi has witnessed a significant development as new housing projects are coming in large numbers.
The population has increased by many folds.
attention Therefore, we draw from the civil authorities to the issues faced by the residents.
These issues are much different from other areas.
We will follow up the matter with the civil head, “he added.
“The PMC has started to lift water from the dam BHAMA Askhed.
water supply has reached Lohegaon, which is adjacent to Wagholi.
We have urged the civilian head to extend the water supply to Wagholi, “said MLA.
Sanjay Deshmukh, who travel daily in Ahmednagar road, said the chaotic traffic in Wagholi.
Authorities should focus on alternative ways to streamline the traffic, he said.

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