‘Modern utilitarian education system’: Cji Ramana – News2IN

‘Modern utilitarian education system’: Cji Ramana

'Modern utilitarian education system': Cji Ramana
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: Chairman of India Judge N V Ramana on Monday said the modern education system was more utilitarian and not equipped to improve the moral and spiritual aspects of students, two important qualities to build characters.
Overcoming students at the 40th meeting of the High Learning Institute Sri Sathya Sai in Puttaparthi, said Cji, “Unfortunately, the modern education system tends to focus only on the ‘utilitarian’ educational function.
Such a system is not equipped to handle.
‘Moral’ or ‘education function spiritual ‘which builds our character’s character and allows them to develop social awareness and responsibility.
“He said,” True education is one that absorbs moral values ​​and the virtue of humility, discipline, ignorance, affection, tolerance, forgiveness , and mutual respect.
Education must improve student characters and expand their thinking.
” Education must allow students to make the right decisions when faced with the complexity of life, said Cji, including, “You have to deal with people from various layers of society, which can sometimes challenge you.
Hold certain core values ​​when You walk through this life journey, and experience all the wealth that can be offered.
“Justice Ramana said education is often misunderstood means academic learning.
“But being ‘really educated’ means more.
True education must produce a positive change that is far more holistic and progress in the lives of a student,” he said.
He said students would be able to live a life that fulfilled if they were not trapped in their own needs and desires.
“Look at your family, your environment, your village, community, and so on.
If you start practicing this, you will immediately live in a world that is better free of conflict and violence,” he said, emphasizing the need to absorb the values ​​of selfless service rendering with love.
“Service ethos becomes more relevant during an emergency.
Consider what is happening throughout the world for the past two years.
The world has gone through unprecedented changes.
Pandemics have exposed and highlight rooted vulnerabilities and have increased inequality in society.
At times Such a moment, self service is the need for hours, “he said,” this principle is universal love for humans who must encourage you to contribute to the community and think of ways you can serve..
“Cji said,” I feel very Encouraged by the fact that the idea of ​​this service is still strong in the hearts and minds of the people.
This is evidenced when people gather, including the students of this institution, to provide assistance to those who enter need.
I congratulate you all to provide services to that need.

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