Monetization of assets: ‘The government is set for far-made assets made more than 70 years’ – News2IN
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Monetization of assets: ‘The government is set for far-made assets made more than 70 years’

Monetization of assets: 'The government is set for far-made assets made more than 70 years'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi Dubbed “Asset Monetization Plan” as an agreement for the crown gem prize made more than 70 years to choose industrialist friends, warn that it will lead to the creation of monopoly and hurt future work for young people.
He said PM Narendra Modi worked for 2-3 industrialists, and not people in India.
Overcoming a press conference with P Chidambaram who dubbed the plan “scandal” and “Grand Closing Sales”, Rahul said Modi first said that the Congress did not do anything in 70 years but the assets provided to industrialists more than seven decades.
Use public money.
Rahul said the central government destroyed the economy built by UPA and now “selling everything” as the last choice, calling it “tragedy must be opposed by every patriotic person”.
“I want to tell the state youth that the government grabs your work, does not help you in a pandemic, giving three laws to farmers, and now PM wants to sell public assets to his friends,” he said.
Wayanad MP said strategic fields such as trains were given to private players and warned train employees about their future.
“Everyone knows who will get the airport, port, highway, pipe …,” he said.
Chidambaram said this exercise was carried out without setting any criteria and objectives, and without consulting with stakeholders such as railway unions, port workers, farmers.
“There is no public sector that will be abandoned after this,” he said.

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