Money Laundering Case: Anil Deshmukh Failed to Appear Before Ed, Virtual Interaction Request – News2IN

Money Laundering Case: Anil Deshmukh Failed to Appear Before Ed, Virtual Interaction Request

Money Laundering Case: Anil Deshmukh Failed to Appear Before Ed, Virtual Interaction Request
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Former Minister of Maharashtra’s home Anil Deshmukh did not appear before Ed in connection with money laundering cases on Tuesday, coving Covid-19 and his old age, and requested virtual interactions on a suitable day for the central body.
The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has asked the 71st NCP leader to appear before 11 o’clock in the morning on Tuesday, after he did not protect in front of an investigative officer here on Saturday.
Deshmukh has been on Saturday looking for a new date for the appearance of money laundering associated with a multi-crore bribe-cum-exortion racquette which caused his resignation from the ministerial office in April this year.
On Tuesday, Deshmukh submitted a letter to the agency through his inderpal singh lawyer as an official representative, according to the call.
In the letter, Deshmukh asked for a copy of the ECIR (information on the enforcement case information) and other documents from Ed.
“I am a law-abiding citizen.
I am optimistic to expose falsehood, hollowness and lack of substance on the accusation leveled with me,” he said in the letter.
Deshmukh also covided Covid-19 times and fear of exposure (to infection) because of his age and co-morbidity and sent his lawyer as an official representative.
“I am a septuagenarian, around 72 years old, and suffer from various co-morbidity, including hypertension and heart problems,” he said in the letter.
Deshmukh also said he had had a long interaction with the probe agent official on June 25, stretching for several hours, during the search and recording of his statement.
He stressed that he would provide all information and any documents that could be needed by Ed as soon as he knew the content and detail of the Ekir.
“I am ready to help you through audio-visual interaction mode anytime it’s convenient for your good, today or another day, anytime so comfortable,” Dishmukh said in the letter.
Meanwhile, Lawyer Deshmukh told MediodPersons that they worked with the probe agent and would continue to do it in the future too.
“We provide documents to them and have requested new dates (for appearance),” said lawyer.
After receiving the required documents from ED officials, Deshmukh will appear before the agency, he said.
Ed on Saturday arrested the personal secretary of Deshmukh Sanjeev Palande (51) and Kundan Shinde’s personal assistant (45) after carrying out attacks on them and NCP leaders in Mumbai and Nagpur on Friday.
ED case against Deshmukh and the others were made after the Central Investigation Bureau (CBI) first conducted a preliminary investigation followed by a regular case submitted to the Bombay High Court order.
The court has asked the CBI to see allegations of bribery made against Deshmukh by former Police Commissioner Mumbai Param Bir Singh.
Deshmukh, who resigned from his post in April after the accusation, had denied the mistake.

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