Monkey snatches bag, rain money – News2IN

Monkey snatches bag, rain money

Monkey snatches bag, rain money
Written by news2in

Bareilly: It is a completely different setting, with advocate beg before monkeys perched high on the tree.
Simian has taken a bag containing Rs 2 lakh from Vinod Kumar Sharma who is not suspicious, who will buy stamps for the land registry in the city of Shahabad Rampur.
As a crowd of people who wanted to know, shouted and clapped, the monkey threw the bag but did not before issuing Rs 1 lakh.
After the round of Cujol, the monkey began to throw a note.
Now it’s Sharma’s turn to beg before the crowd cheering, who tries to pocket money.
After a lot of convincing, people collected the money and gave it to Sharma, who were nervous and sweating at that time.
After more than 30 minutes of high drama, advocates can collect Rs 95,000.
There is no trace of the remaining 5,000 Rs, but Sharma “Happy”.
Monkey videos were shot by several people, who then shared them on the social media platform.
In October 2019, a similar incident was reported from Budaun District where two monkeys took a bag from a woman and showered money on people.
Sharma said, “I got a surprise in my life when the monkey grabbed my bag and went up to the Neem tree.
There is a two lakh rs in the bag, which I took from the client for stamps.
The monkey then issued two bundles each of Rs 50,000 from the bag And throwing a bag.
“When we try to chase it, it rises in the top branch of the tree and starts to shower money.
I am helpless watching and asking people to return money.
I managed to get Rs 95,000 from people.
I don’t blame anyone over the remaining Rs 5,000 because most people try to help me.
I haven’t filed a complaint.
“Affan Ahmad, an eyewitness, told Tii,” I fired a video while Sharma along with other advocates put an effort to get money back from the monkey.
Sharma even took risks and tried to climb trees through the tin roof.
He even slipped twice because the surface was slippery due to rain.
After 30 minutes, Sharma managed to get most of the money back.
Monkeys often seize the bags of people who visit the court where they are in Shahabad.
Monkeys have won the RS 5,000 from officers in 2018.

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