More than 1 CR gets at least one dose in Delhi – News2IN

More than 1 CR gets at least one dose in Delhi

New Delhi: Chairman of the Minister of Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said that 1 dose of Crore Vaccine Covid-19 has been given in Delhi so far which includes 74 lakh first doses and almost 50% of the 18 Delhi populations have been vaccinated with at least one dose.
More than 26 lakh people have received doses and are fully vaccinated.
Kejriwal said that Delhi had the capacity to give three doses of lakh a day but could not do it because of a lack of vaccine stock.
Capital has vaccinated the maximum number of people every day according to the shares received, CM said.
In the Kejriwal press conference said the Delhi vaccination program had reached an important milestone.
“Today we have reached a 1 Crore sign, we have provided more than 1 dose of Crore in Delhi since the beginning of vaccination drive.
Roughly, 2 crore lives in Delhi, where 1.5 crores is 18+ and thus qualified to get Vaccines.
So around 50% of the population has received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine, “he said.
“In accordance with the stock of the dosage we received, our doctor, our nurse and our health worker put the best throughout the day and night to vaccinate the city people.
Delhi people were also very enthusiastic about being vaccinated and let’s go forward to get their shots,” CM add.
For a milestone of CM history congratulations to all those who have been involved in the Delhi vaccination program.
Talking about the lack of vaccines because Delhi was not supplied with sufficient stock, CM said: “We cannot improve the program due to lack of vaccines.
At present we manage 50 to 70 thousand doses every day because there is a lack of vaccines.
If we can get enough stock, We have infrastructure and settings to manage 3 doses of LAC vaccines a day.
But we can’t do it because we don’t have enough vaccines.
We are in contact with the central government, and I hope that Delhi, along with other countries in the country, will be soo n start receiving adequate stock from the center.
“Cm appealed to people who have not received the vaccine to get it immediately.
“If you have not been vaccinated, please do a photo shoot at your closest vaccination center.
We have two challenges in front of us, first, to vaccinate them.
Who has not received a single and second dose, to vaccinate those who only receive one shot but ask everyone To get vaccination, “cm further stated.

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