More than 1,000 Americans are still waiting for the evacuation from Afghanistan: Blinken – News2IN

More than 1,000 Americans are still waiting for the evacuation from Afghanistan: Blinken

Washington: US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken on Wednesday said about 6,000 Americans identified in Afghanistan, at least 4,500 of them and their families have been evacuated since mid-August.
By asserting that more than 1, O00 Americans are still waiting for the evacuation from Afghanistan, he added that the foreign department “aggressively” reaches the remaining contacts.
“When US evacuation efforts begun, there are as many as 6,000 Americans in Afghanistan who want to go, based on analysis.
The remaining contacts now number around 1,000, which aggressively reaches several times a day, through several communication channels,” Blinken said during a press conference in Washington .
“From this list of around 1,000, we believe the number of Americans actively seek help to leave Afghanistan lower, the possibility is much lower.
There are Americans still evaluating their decisions to leave Afghanistan based on the situation in the field,” he said, warning.
repeatedly that the amount can change every hour.
Blinken said at a press conference, there were no deadlines in an effort to help people who want to leave Afghanistan, both America and others, and that the effort would continue “during that time.” “More than 82,300 people have been safely flown from Kabul since August 14,” he added, adding 45-46% of them were women and children.
Asked about keeping the Embassy Kabul after US forces left Afghanistan, Blinken said they were “looking for a series of choices”.
Although airlift will last until Tuesday, the United States military said it would divert the focus on the last two days of helping to escape from civilians to evacuate their own troops.
(With input from agency)

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