More than 10K job seekers are selected at a job fair – News2IN

More than 10K job seekers are selected at a job fair

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Around 10,457 job seekers have received guarantees of placement at the Job Exhibition conducted by Kerala Kerala Knowledge Mission.
Job Fair is carried out in three phases in 14 districts.
At this exhibition, a total of 15,683 candidates appeared for interviews and of them 10,457 was chosen.
Among 2,165 these people have received placement orders.
The remaining people will immediately receive orders.
From the interview conducted 182 candidates have been stored on the waiting list.
Among job seekers, 1,593 is a woman who has to take a career break for various reasons.
For women like that, three work exhibits were carried out by the knowledge mission.
Online virtual work exhibition has also been launched by Kerala’s economic mission.
It starts on Friday and will continue until January 27.
About 200 companies participated in this virtual exhibition work.
Those who have registered with a digital labor management system can participate in this virtual work exhibition.
Those who have not registered can register at
The government has decided to provide 20 lakh jobs in five years through work exhibitions.
KKEM is a recurrent work exhibition that has ever registered job seekers assisted through various opportunities and exhibitions.

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