More than 20 lakh people now make money from YouTube – News2IN

More than 20 lakh people now make money from YouTube

More than 20 lakh people now make money from YouTube
Written by news2in

YouTube now helps more than 20 lakh people globally to get money by making videos.
YouTube announces that its partner’s program crosses two million creators in monetization programs.
The YouTube partner program was launched 14 years ago in May 2007.
“Creator who is part of YPP can make money and make a living from their content on YouTube with ten different monetization features of advertiser revenues to sell merchandise,” said YouTube on the blog post .
Over the past three years, YouTube claims to have paid more than $ 30 billion to creators, artists and media companies.
“The number of new channels that joined YPP in 2020 more than doubled compared to the previous year.
And the number of YouTube channels made 6 points in revenue or more than 35% year to year at U.S,” he added.
It is also said that the economy of creator through YouTube has helped create work too.
“In 2019, the YouTube creative ecosystem supports the equivalent of 345,000 full-time jobs, only at U.S,” claimed.
How to join the YouTube partner program and get the leading YouTube content webswiles have come out of their full-time work for the success of their respective channels, definitively not recommended for someone who thinks to start their YouTube channel now.
The reality is to make money on YouTube requiring long-term efforts dedicated and of course, creative thoughts.
You must make a good video consistently and forget money.
You are very wrong if you consider youtube to be a fast source of additional income.
Also, this is not about making one viral video.
YouTube is about uploading high-quality videos and content.
Given this, this is how to join the YouTube partner program to get money.
Follow all Youtube channel monetization policies.
Youtube channel monetization policy is a collection of policies that allow you to monetize on YouTube.
You should not have an active community guide that is hit on your channel.
You need to have more than 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months.
You need at least 1,000 customers.
You will need an adsense account that is linked.
After following this, you can register for a partner program to register.
Note that you are required to make videos regularly to make money because YouTube can disable monetization on channels that have not uploaded videos or posted to the community tab for 6 months or more.
How to set up your YouTube channel? Start with a Google account and enter YouTube.
Determine the genre and the previous name.
Also, create a unique thumbnail and the cover of the image before you start.
To maintain workflow, it is recommended to create enough content from the start before you start your channel.
As a practical rule, it is recommended to have two or three weeks planned and ready-to-upload videos.
This will help you become organized and consistent.
The basics of production show that you make mute friendly videos with the right subtitles and combine good sounds.
While smartphone cameras are good for beginners, remember it’s always a shot and angle that makes a good video.
You have to think like the director.
After getting these basics, you must aim to register for the YouTube partner program with 1000 customers and 4,000 watch hours.
After this is achieved, you must connect your YouTube channel to a Google AdSense account to be paid for monetised videos.
After this, you must continue to make an interesting video to get traction.
Finally, you have to wait and expect your ad involvement to increase to get money.

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