More than half of Afghan province falls into the Taliban – News2IN

More than half of Afghan province falls into the Taliban

More than half of Afghan province falls into the Taliban
Written by news2in

KABUL: Taliban has dropped six provincial capitals in the last 24 hours which brought the total number of provinces that fell to terrorists up to 18, local media reported on Friday.
Khaama Press reports that the centers of Kandahar, Helmand, Herat, Badghis, Ghor, Logar, Zabul, and Oruzgan Province fell to the Taliban in the last 24 hours.
Apart from the province, there are also other provinces such as Paktia and Wardak where Afghan government forces only controlled provincial capital and the Taliban controlling the remnants of geography, it reported further.
Meanwhile, the former Mujahidin leader and senior member of the Jamaat-e-Islami Party, Ismail Khan, whose billions helped US troops over the Taliban in 2001, was arrested on Friday by the Taliban along with the government’s main official, Tolo News reported.
Afghanistan witnessed a surge in violence because the Taliban had intensified his attack on Afghan forces and civilians with a full setback for foreign troops just a few weeks.
Due to increasing violence in the country by the Taliban, the situation worsened as bad as a group of terror looted people and killed civilians after capturing many regions of the government.
The Taliban increased his attack on Afghan forces as soon as US forces began to leave Afghanistan in large quantities after a peaceful agreement was signed between Washington and the Taliban in February last year.
On Wednesday, President of Ashraf Ghani appointed a new head of the Army staff in an effort to give a strong response to the terror group in the field.
Haibatullah Alizai replaced Wali Mohammad Ahmadzai, as the new Army Chief of Staff.
Alizai previously worked as a commander of the Afghan National Army Command.

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