Most experts call the promise of 2070 India, say it is transformative, fair, fair – News2IN

Most experts call the promise of 2070 India, say it is transformative, fair, fair

Most experts call the promise of 2070 India, say it is transformative, fair, fair
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The announcement of PM Modi’s surprise at COP26 on Monday, conducted India to the Net-zero economy in 2070 and 50% renewable energy in a mixture of energy in 2030, is generally praised by international experts as one of the main breakthroughs of Glasgow conference though some Express disappointment at the promise of 50 years.
Climate change experts Nicholas Stern said it was a “very significant moment” for the summit.
“This shows real leadership …
the rich world must respond to the challenges of PM Modi to provide a strong increase in international climate finance,” he said, adding that it was an opportunity for India to show “it can provide economic changes and climate change.” Although not many countries reacted to the announcement, PM PM Boris Johnson, representing the top of the peak government, welcomed the move.
“India today announced an ambitious plan for half energy originating from renewable energy in 2030.
It will cut carbon emissions with one billion tons, contribute to decades of delivery throughout the world on climate change,” he tweeted.
However, John Gummer, Chair of the Climate Change Committee, a legal entity founded by the British government, quoted in the media as a plan to slam India to reach zero net within 50 years, saying it “absolutely won’t be done.” On the other hand, most experts say the commitment is “fair and only” in the context of the Indian development stage at this time.
Said Ulka Kelarm, Climate Director of the Indian World Institute of World, “If it is a clean greenhouse gas emission, I will say it is equivalent to Western commitment.
Fair comparison, not with the US and Europe today, but with US and Europe 20 -30 years ago.
“Not immediately clearly among international circles whether the net-zero appointment in 2070 is for carbon emissions alone or for all greenhouse gases.
“Zero zero state-wise cannot be the same for all nations,” Arunabha Ghosh said, the chief executive board of energy, the environment and water, who had suggested PMO.
The target of India is “fair and only,” he said.
Magazine Time said the climate advocate acknowledged that the 2070 target was further than the ideal but potentially transformative for the third largest emitter in the world (India) while Bloomberg noted that the net-zero target would provide the company and investors of the country’s long-term climate ambitions.

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