Most of the demands meet, the doctor continued the task in all GMC – News2IN

Most of the demands meet, the doctor continued the task in all GMC

Written by news2in

Nagpur / Yavatmal: All MBBS students, internships, and resident doctors from Nagpur, Akola and Yavatmal Gmchs ended their strikes and protests, and joined the task on Sunday after the arrest of two young men and teenage detention of Ashok Pal in Yavatmal.
Director of Education and Medical Research (DMER) and the Ministry of Medical Education have considered most of their demands regarding the increase in security on campuses, according to doctors.
“In addition to the arrest of murderers, DMER personally handles this problem until 11pm on Saturday and guarantees about the increase in security guards, CCTV, and street lights within seven days.
Also ensure that Yavatmal GMCH administration will provide a written guarantee,” reading The statement issued by a Junior Doctor together with the Association of Maharashtra Doctor Resident Doctors (Mard).
The Mard Central Committee on Sunday night said that the GMC Yavatmal government has provided a written guarantee of the demands of medical students.
“So the strike was called,” said the committee.
Students who interact with DMER and the Special Committee formed by Muhs Deputy Chancellor accused corruption by the Dean and his maid.
They alleged that RS15,000 were demanded from them because of the granting of internship permits, passing signs for practice and others.
After the Dean of Etharge Dr.
Milind Kamble Down, HOD and Professor of the ENT Department, Dr.
Surendra Gawarle, was appointed Dean.
Gawarle submits a letter to students who state that all their demands will be fulfilled in Sevan Day.
According to Dr.
Nitin Jagtap from Iggmch Nagpur, as far as Nagpur, DMER director said the number of security guards would increase, and there would be more CCTV, street lights in both GMC in Nagpur and in Akola.
Gather Jagtap warns that if the demands above are not fulfilled in a week, PAN Maharashtra agitation will begin.
On Sunday night, Mard Center wrote a letter to the main minister of Uddhav Thackeray and demanded RS50 Lakh compensation to Pal members.
“It cannot be canceled for poor families.
At this time, the government should announce compensation,” said Dr.
Dnyaneshwar Dhobale Patil, President Mard’s Central Committee.
SS Neta was ordered, could not enter GMC Shiv Sena Neta Santosh Dhawale, who was seen threatening the doctors who were nervous on Tuesday, they were booked after official complaints by the doctors.
The police said that Dhawale would not enter the GMCH place.
The doctor in Yavatmal said he had a big influence in medical colleges and the possibility of influencing the investigation.
The source said three out of five people who were nabbed in this case came from the Dhawale area.

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