MOTIOTING PAY PURE MOOTS increases the retirement age of government employees to 57 years – News2IN

MOTIOTING PAY PURE MOOTS increases the retirement age of government employees to 57 years

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The 11th Payment Revision Commission chaired by former officer IAS K Mohandas submitted his report to the government on Thursday.
String recommendations are made, including increasing the retirement age of government employees from 56 years of up to 57 years.
In the report, the Commission recommends that the government can increase the age of one-year retirement temporarily delay the financial commitment to retirement of employees.
“The retirement age in some other states is much higher than us.
Nearly 20,000 pension employees every year in the state.
Increasing a one-year retirement age will provide temporary financial assistance to the government in terms of channeling their retirement benefits,” said Mohhandas to Ti.
The Commission also recommends that the government must take a five-day week from Monday to Friday, and when doing it, office hours must be extended one hour from 9:30 a.m.
to 5:30 a.m.
Current settings from 10am to 5pm.
The Commission recommends that the teacher get government salaries – the institution assisted – must be chosen purely on their achievements and choices must be transparent.
Kerala recruitment boards for schools and private colleges must be established in collaboration with the management of the education institution.
To ensure transparency, interviews must be a video graph.
An Ombudsman, a retired high court judge to overcome complaints about appointments, must be appointed.
Loving employment system for the dependents of those who die when in services must be stopped, because they do not serve the purpose.
Even though the dependents must be compensated enough, because this practice reduces system efficiency and reduces their chances of waiting for work, it must be truly stopped, the Commission is recommended.
There should be internal guidelines to appoint PSC members because they must be highly qualified and experienced personnel because they must advice on the government in promotion and penalty to government employees.
The Commission recommends that there must be a test for all promotions in government services and there must be a committee chaired by the Secretary of the Head for the promotion of the Head of Department.
Employees must be given induction training when joining services, and subsequently, they must provide training in services and later, reskilling.
The Commission recommends that the government must appoint a major commissioner to ensure that the right to service measures is effectively implemented.
The government must ensure that appointments for posting, computer assistants, weeks and office assistants must be made only after assessing the requirements in each department.

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