MSP measures to win farmers in the poll selection – News2IN

MSP measures to win farmers in the poll selection

MSP measures to win farmers in the poll selection
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The impulse of the government budget of the Union Rs 2.37 lakh crore for the procurement of main plants, basically wheat and rice, with the price of minimum support (MSP) has brought the focus on the selection of polls that have felt a high decibel protest tremor by farmers.
Rising is one of the reasons where the high-pitched demand for legal guarantees for MSP is appointed by Sanyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) – the Umbrella Body of the Union protest – on November 22, only three days after PM Narendra announced his government’s decision to roll back three agricultural laws.
Not surprisingly, as soon as the Union budget was submitted in parliament, the leader of BKU Rakesh Titikit, who became the face of a farmer’s protest from the West, was taken to the KOO social media platform, he insisted his stand and said that farmers “would not accept the insults of Kisan’s Pagdi”.
However, experts insist that budget actions can help BJP in expressing narratives that will relieve the agricultural community, especially in the West who is rich in agriculture.
Agricultural experts say farmers have faced serious problems in selling their products at the specified MSP.
“There are reports that farmers are forced to sell around 60% of the applicable MSP.
This has become the cause of the main concern,” recognizing an official at the Ministry of Agriculture.
The MSP that applies to rice and wheat is Rs 1,940 and Rs 2,015 per quintal above.
The budget emphasis on green / organic farming also marks BJP’s efforts to reduce agricultural costs.
It is estimated that a farmer spends almost Rs 8,000 per acre through the use of fertilizers and pesticides.
Green farms can help farmers bring planting fees to Rs 600 per Acre, experts said.
“However, this will be a process of taking a time that will require a tiring awareness among the agricultural community,” an official said.
Central emphasis on the use of drones to assess the quantum of plants and records of land, experts, can reduce land-related disputes in addition to measuring plants that might be vulnerable to damage during rain and flooding.

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