MUM: The 1st Grants Court Bail in the case of scare anticilia bombs – News2IN

MUM: The 1st Grants Court Bail in the case of scare anticilia bombs

MUM: The 1st Grants Court Bail in the case of scare anticilia bombs
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Special Nia Court on Saturday given a guarantee to alleged Bookie, accused in the case of scare the Anti-Nakuti Bomb.
Arrested in March, Naresh Gaur (31), is the first between ten accused of being given a guarantee in this case.
Nia has accused him of providing a SIM card to accuse together and alleged as part of a conspiracy.
However, the court, still got a guarantee order for 25 days after the prosecution transferred the request, said he wanted to challenge the order before the High Court.
Gaur has not been released first.
On March 21, Nia arrested Gaur in connection with the probe to the recovery of explosives from the SUV parked near Mukesh Ambani’s residence on February 25.

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