Noida: Proposal by Mumbai-based engineering companies to drop two housing towers at the Society Court Zamrud Supertech has been approved by the Noida Authority.
The Supreme Court on August 31 last year ordered the demolition of the tower, peak and ceyane, observing them built on legal violations.
Noida authorities passed by a technical examination report prepared by experts from the Central Building Research Institute in Rookee before giving final approval, senior official said.
There was a new urgency about the demolition training after the latest Supreme Court observations on January 12 when hearing a petition from home buyers who had not received a refund of real estate companies and expressed displeasure about their orders to destroy the tower within three months.
Judgment is not obeyed.
Supertech and Noida authorities must submit their response on January 17 before the court.
While Edifice Engineering, which lowered the Maradu Waterfront apartment in Kochi last January, has been completed for the work, the deliberation is still among companies based in Mumbai and Supertech at cost estimates.
Supertech must pay for demolition.
The CEO of the Noida Authority Ritu Maheshwari, “We have been through a proposal for the Demolition Agency and has received their action plan to be examined by the CBRI before giving our final approval.
Supertech Limited has been asked to issue work orders for the earliest.” On Saturday, Supertech issued a Letter of Intent to Edifice.
Work orders are expected to be released after finance is reduced, said the source.
“We have been told that our action plan was approved and had received an intention letter,” Uttarsh Mehta, partner in Edifice.
“We have started our homework and will mobilize labor and heavy machinery to sites as soon as we get formal work orders and payments in advance,” he added.
This exercise will take six months ending, until the point when the entire debris is cleaned, according to the Edifice proposal.
Permits and Certificates do not mind also needed from five different government institutions, including the State Pollution Control Board, Electricity Department, Traffic Police, Ministry of Aircraft and Department of Noida Authority such as Air and Sewerase, Civil Engineering, Planning and Horticulture.
The discussion of the cost estimate takes the time because the value of the material that can be saved has not been confirmed.
While supertech executives are not available for comments, sources say 4,000 tons of steel can be recovered from debris, which can pick up much higher than the cost of demolition which is estimated to be around RS 10 Crore.
“This discussion is in the amount of this surplus,” said the source at the Noida Authority which has followed up with two companies.
Securing buildings and structures located within 50 meters of the twin towers is another discussion point.
The premium to insure the structure must be done with the company.
The President of the Zamrud Court RWA UBS Teotia said, “Residents cannot be expected to pay for structural damage caused by demolition.
We have requested insurance protection but have not received clarity from the Noida or Supertech authority.” In his presentation, Edifice has proposed to drop the twin towers using the ‘Waterfall of the Implosion collapse mechanism.
The methodology was used to pull down the 108-meter Lisbon building in Johannesburg in April 2019.
Apex, which was higher than two towers, was 100 meters.
The slightly shorter ceyane (97 meters) will be the first building that goes down, according to the proposal.
Apex (100 meters high) will explode towards Ceyane through the ‘lateral pull’ induced from other buildings in the Zamrud court compound.
The two towers will collapse into and debris will fall into the gavernous basement.
For explosions, holes will be drilled in columns, beams, and sliding walls from two buildings.
To prevent high-speed flying debris, wire-mesh will wrap the parts that hold costs.
The column will be wrapped in geotextile cloth, which will also be placed around the structure to minimize the effects of debris.
The company has also proposed to accumulate a series of shipping containers filled with sandbags to absorb shock waves.