Mumbai restaurant is likely to be extended hours – News2IN

Mumbai restaurant is likely to be extended hours

Mumbai restaurant is likely to be extended hours
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Restaurants in Mumbai can be allowed to operate hours soon, maybe until 8pm or 10 nights.
Shopping centers also tend to see the decision to reopen in the coming weeks, although the food court can remain closed for a while.
The opening of more sectors is discussed in detail at the afternoon meeting held by the Chairperson of the Minister of Uddhav Thackeray with members of the Covid State of Animals, Pediatric Taskforce and Public Health Officials on Monday.
The source said TaskForce had more concessions for restaurants and malls with some limitations on the timing being worked on.
“There is a line of thought to allow the mall to open only when their employees are fully vaccinated, but lack of vaccines and a gap 84 days between the dosage makes it unusable.
The mind is being given whether only people who have to be vaccinated.
Allowed in the mall.
The final decision will be taken soon, “An official said.
The decision about the place of reopening the place of worship was suspended because it was feared that with the approaching festival, there might be a crowd that could not be managed in their place.
“There is no way to control the crowds in famous religious places and therefore it was decided to push back the reopening several months,” said a senior official.
In the meeting on Monday, discussions about the potential of the third wave and health infrastructure needs.
Especially oxygen supply, held.
The problem of reopening the cinema and theater hall is also part of the discussion.
They may not be continued soon but TaskForce will make the SOP for a safe function of a closed room.
Sources say the country will see more sectors unlock in the coming weeks, but in phase.
“It won’t happen at all after opening everything at the same time can accelerate the third wave.
There will be some relaxation every 15 days to be granted to see the level of front and number of vaccinations,” said an expert.
The victim’s task has emphasized the complete vaccination of restaurant staff to make their workplace safe.
In addition to full vaccination, Taskforce in the past said that the restaurant must minimize the use of air conditioning, keeping the door and window open for ventilation, installing the exhaust in the bathroom.
Residential can be stored at 50% but it also continues to discuss.
“Because the mask descends in the restaurant, the emphasis is more in complete vaccination,” another expert said.
Taskorce the country has sent a protocol to reopen to the public health department to be intentional to them and release the last command.

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