Mumbai South Wards See Spurt in a malaria case – News2IN

Mumbai South Wards See Spurt in a malaria case

Mumbai South Wards See Spurt in a malaria case
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Ward in the city of the island reported a surge in malaria cases and dengue fever and apparently reflected in the increase in appropriate acceptance due to a disease transmitted by vectors at the South Mumbai Hospital.
At the time of the pandemic, many people who fear they have contracted Covid after developing fever, coughing and headaches are looking for malaria or dengue fever.
BMC Figure shows that there are 357 cases of malaria in June and 230 in the first 11 days of July.
Overall, nearly 2,000 cases have been reported this year.
Since June, the city has seen 20 cases of confirmed dengue fever.
Most of these cases are reported from such environments (Colaba, Parade Cuffe, Churchgate), E (Mazgaon, Byculla) and G-South (Worli, Parel Lower).
A resident of Bata Road in Churchgate, the four family members have been influenced by dengue fever, considering the extracting of a large hole for the Metro right before the rainy season.
“Now, the hole is left open without the work that happens and rainwater has gathered there,” he said.
Other residents, Lolita Shivdasani, said many of them were recently hospitalized because Covid was worried they might contract malaria with dengue fever and hospitalized again.
Bombay hospitals on the sea have recognized almost a dozen cases of malaria in recent weeks.
About seven dengue fever patients and some leptospirosis patients also underwent treatment.
“The malaria case has increased but we have not seen complications or deaths,” said Dr.
Gautam Bhansali, a doctor at the hospital.
Samrat Shah, Internist Consultant at Bhatia Hospital, said in the last 20 days, around 10 patients have been received at the Tardeo Hospital – Lima with Malaria Falciparum, three with Malaria Vivax, and three with bloody malaria and Vivax.
Foni Pratit Samdani treats six to seven cases of dengue fever and malaria, most of the bags in Khetwadi, Napean Sea Road and Parel.
“We see Falciparum and Vivax,” he said.
“Different differences between dengue fever and Covid are that the first comes with high fever, retro-orbital pain and not so much with difficulty breathing,” he said.
Rajan Naringrekar, BMC Insecticide Officer, said they had been told about the surge in the E and G-South neighborhood, but not so much in Churchgate.
“Some wards always see higher events because of construction projects.
Metro works too, has led to a breed increase in several parts, including the suburbs, but we regularly treat spots and destroy them,” he said.
Corporator Churchgate Harshita Narwekar said many cases were reported from J Tata Road, M and Marine Drive Region.
Mumbadevi Mlaamin Patel said B (Dongri) Ward saw a gain in the case of malaria last month.
“There is a problem with the availability of diesel and it has hit fogging, but has been completed now.
Massive infrastructure projects provide the perfect breed for mosquitoes,” he said.

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