Murder of Parang: 5 cellphones sent to forensic laboratories – News2IN

Murder of Parang: 5 cellphones sent to forensic laboratories

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: The police team investigates the killing of August 24 coloring in a house in Rajendra Park has sent five cellphones accused and victims to a forensic laboratory.
The police believed the telephone conversation would give them an important direction into the motive for murder.
They suspect a lot of conversations may have been removed, which is why cellphones need to be examined by forensic laboratories.
After the murder, the police have confiscated a property dealer of property Rao Rai Singh, the main defendant, his wife Bimeless, daughter of their in-laws Sunita and their tenants – Krishan and Anamika Tiwari.
Police officers admit that they cannot make a lot of progress for investigations due to lack of evidence.
The only survivor of the attack – a six-year-old girl who saw his parents and sister hacked to death by Singh – while having lost his speech from trauma.
In addition, the police were faced with three different claims about the murder motives.
While Singh had told the police that he killed asking him because he suspected he had an affair with Krisan, Sunita’s brother had accused his sister killed in a plot of land, his father had given him marriage.
Tiwari’s relatives have claimed there was a dispute about the lease agreement.
“The case might look simple, but not.
We are still unclear about the motives.
The different parties related to the case have made a contest claim.
The motive can actually be something else,” said a senior police officer.
Meanwhile, Singh’s lawyer, Prashant Yadav, plans to challenge the police’s decision to record the main gait accused of matching it with a CCTV clip that shows him walking with machetes.

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