Must watch Chinese breakthroughs to Myanmar: Bipin Rawat – News2IN

Must watch Chinese breakthroughs to Myanmar: Bipin Rawat

Must watch Chinese breakthroughs to Myanmar: Bipin Rawat
Written by news2in

New Delhi: India needs to monitor carefully the situation that arises in Myanmar, where China made further breakthrough after international sanctions imposed in the country after a military coup in February, said the head of the Bipin treated on Saturday.
“BRI (BELT and Road) initiatives from China will definitely get further encouragement with sanctions on Myanmar,” said the treated gene, talking on the webinar on “Opportunities and Challenges in Northeast India”, organized by the Indian military review here.
The country’s senior military officers said the “normal return” in Myanmar would add to the area, especially India, because of our “historical and cultural linkages” with the state.
The northeastern region of India, which is connected to another country with a narrow and vulnerable siliguri corridor or “chicken neck”, is a “very large geostrategic significance”, especially in the Chinese background that has “naughty eyes in the region”, he said.
The presence of Rohingya refugees is another “interested area” for the region.
“This can be exploited by radical Islamic groups for breastfeeding and damaging peace and security in this region,” he said.
Apart from China, there are several other security issues for India such as rebel activities, illegal migration and drug trafficking because of the “porous” limit in the northeastern region.
Noting that the internal security challenges in the northeast have “serious international dimensions”, the treated gene said, “Nudit and Waspada Central and State Security Forces, plus by Diplomational Regional and International Cooperation, will be very important in facing this security challenge.” There has been a large reduction in violence because of “sustainable counter-uprising operations” in the Northeast region and “safe havens” for extremist clothing in neighboring countries such as Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar in recent years.
“We need to make sure this positive development is consolidated further through peace talks,” he said.

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