Myanmar said the Rohingya minority would get the Covid-19 vaccine – News2IN

Myanmar said the Rohingya minority would get the Covid-19 vaccine

Myanmar said the Rohingya minority would get the Covid-19 vaccine
Written by news2in

BANGKOK: The spokesman for the Myanmar military attached government said Friday that the Covid-19 vaccine would be given to members of the Ethnic Group of Rohingya who was persecuted in the country.
Muslim minority is a target of a fierce counter-rebellion campaign in 2017 that some critics are charged amounts to ethnic cleaning or genocide.
Rohingya’s face discrimination is widespread and mostly rejected citizenship and other basic rights.
Maj government spokesman.
Zaw Min Tun made an announcement at a press conference in the capital Naypyitaw, where he also said the authorities tried to vaccinate 50% of this country’s population this year.
Myanmar, whose poor public health system weakened further by political turmoil caused by the takeover of the Army power from the government selected Aung San Suu Kyi, has faced a devastating Coronavirus outbreak, although in the last month the daily number of new cases reported and death has fallen .
Health authorities on Thursday reported 2,635 cases of more confirmed Covid-19, so that there was a total of 383,514 since the pandemic began.
There were 113 new deaths to bring a total of 14,850.
About 8.2% of the 54 million countries have received at least one dose of vaccines, according to our website “our world in the data, ” that compiles global statistics.
More than 700,000 Rohingya fled to neighboring Bangladesh after security forces in the majority of Buddhists Myanmar in August 2017 began their hard crackdown after an attack by MIN TUN guerrillas said “Bengalis ” lived in the western state of Rakhine, including the population of Maungdaw and Buthidaung, would be vaccinated.
The government employs the term Bengali for Rohingya minority members, which are not recognized as the original minority group of Myanmar’s original minority.
Many other ethnic group members consider them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.
The International Court tried to determine whether the genocide was carried out by government forces in 2017.
A.-established investigating has recommended prosecution of Myanmar’s military commander on charges of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

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