Myanmar targets higher vaccination as a Covid-19 case soar – News2IN

Myanmar targets higher vaccination as a Covid-19 case soar

Myanmar targets higher vaccination as a Covid-19 case soar
Written by news2in

The Ministry of Health which was controlled by Myanmar’s military expecting half of the population to vaccinated against Covid-19 this year, the state media reported on Tuesday, the day after the authorities announced the Coronavirus death note.
The inoculation target came as an effort of the Southeast Asian nation to contain an increase in exponential infections had been thrown into chaos by chaos since the military seized power from the elected government Aung San Suu Kyi in February.
The global new lights managed by the state from Myanmar reported that only around 1.6 million people had been inoculated from a population of 54 million, but said “the vaccine was constantly imported to ensure that 100% of the population was fully vaccinated”.
The report said that around 750,000 Chinese vaccine doses will arrive on Thursday and more than the next two days.
The United Nations said in a report on Monday it increased efforts to combat “alarming surge” in the Covid-19 case and expect Myanmar to receive sufficient vaccines through this year’s Covax facility for 20% of the population.
Myanmar recorded a record of 281 Covid-19 deaths on Monday, and 5,189 new infections, MRTV television managed by the government, quoted the ministry of health numbers.
But medical services and funeral said that victims were actually much higher than military government figures, and overloaded crematoriums.
Describing the extent of the spread of the virus, China on Tuesday reported the highest daily calculation of new infections since January, mostly related to Chinese citizens who returned to Yunnan Province from Myannan.
Zaw Wai Soe, Minister of Health of the National Unity Government (NUG), which was established as a shadow government by opponents of the Army Regulation, quoted by the US RFA (Radio Free Asia) website by saying that up to 400,000 lives.
Can be lost if a quick action is not brought to slow infection.
Critics of Junta also said life was lost because of its restrictions on several personal oxygen suppliers on behalf of stockpiling.
Reuters cannot reach the Ministry of Health or a spokesman for Junta to comment on the plague and response.

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