Nagasaki marks the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombing – News2IN

Nagasaki marks the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombing

Nagasaki marks the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombing
Written by news2in

Tokyo: Nagasaki on Monday marked the 76th anniversary of US atoms from Japan with mayors urging Japan, the United States and Russia to do more to eliminate nuclear weapons.
In his speech at Nagasaki Peace Park, the Mayor of Tomihisa could urge the Japanese government to lead in creating a nuclear free zone in Northeast Asia than staying under the US nuclear umbrella – reference to the US to use its own nuclear weapons to defend allies without them.
Tesses also choose the United States and Russia – who have the biggest warehouse so far – to do more for nuclear disarmament, when it raises fears that nuclear countries have resigned from the efforts of weapons and increases nuclear weapons and miniature.
“Please look into building a nuclear weapons free zone in Northeast Asia which will create ‘non-nuclear umbrella’ instead of ‘nuclear umbrella’ and becomes a step towards the world that is free of nuclear weapons,” when he said when he urged the Japanese government To do more to take action for nuclear disarmament.
At 11:02 a.m., when the B-29 bomber dropped the Plutonium bomb, Nagasaki’s survivors and other participants in the ceremony stood in a minute of silence to honor more than 70,000 lives missing.
August 9, 1945, the bombing came three days after the United States carried out the first atomic attack in the world in Hiroshima, killing 140,000.
Japan surrendered on August 15, ending World War II.
The mayor also called the government and members of the Japanese parliament to quickly sign a 2017 agreement on the prohibition of nuclear weapons which came into force in January.
Tokyo left his own ownership, production, or hosting nuclear weapons, but as an US Allied Japan accommodated 50,000 American troops and was protected by US nuclear umbrellas.
Post-WWII security arrangements make it difficult to push to make Japan sign an agreement when installing the military itself while increasing defense cooperation with other nuclear weapons countries such as Britain and France, to deal with threats from North Korea and China, among others.
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said his security environment was severe and the global view was highly divided into the necessity of nuclear weapons, and that it was necessary to eliminate distrust by promoting dialogue and forming a picture for discussion.
When you also called for substantial progress towards the necessity of nuclear weapons made at the nuclear non-proliferation agreement conference next year, “starting with larger steps by the US and Russia to reduce nuclear weapons.” He asked the Suga government to step and accelerate medical support and well-being for the survivors of old atomic bombs, or Hibakusha, which is now more than 83 years old.

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