Nagpur: 36 children’s pornography violations in 3 years – News2IN

Nagpur: 36 children’s pornography violations in 3 years

Nagpur: 36 children's pornography violations in 3 years
Written by news2in

Nagpur: After 36 violations, including six in January this year, registered in the last three years, the city police conducted a mass awareness campaign in public places against child pornography.
This campaign was conducted by cyber cells in Bedkas Chowk, Old VCA Square and in the old administrative building in civilian lines under the supervision of Chetna Tidke DCP, additional CP Sunil Phulieri and Amitesh Kumar City Police Chief.
“From 36, we have charged 30 violations.
These violations are registered with a different police station by cyber officers after the title received from the IG Cyber ​​security cell,” said CP, added, legal action began in each case coupled with the supervision Strictly by special units by special units by special units by special units by special units by special units.
Resources said the mass awareness campaign was carried out after advisors from Cyber ​​security cells that urged the local police unit to target the population at the grassroots level to enlighten them regarding the legal implications of search, sharing, posting, owning and forwarding pornographic material on social media.
The Keshav Wagh inspector from Cyber ​​cells said the awareness was created among commoners in tea stalls, food connections and places on the road where automatic rickshaw drivers, vendors, young people and such people were present.
“We try to instill these facts between the general masses that they must face the legal consequences for exploring, continuing, posting, having and sharing content that can be categorized as child pornography,” Waggh said.
“We also try to show public content which will bear the risk of being categorized as pornography of children who can cause serious punishment.
Young people are informed of the content they have to avoid that can endanger their careers,” he said.

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