Nagpur: 6 animals found dead in Bhandara close to each other – News2IN

Nagpur: 6 animals found dead in Bhandara close to each other

Nagpur: 6 animals found dead in Bhandara close to each other
Written by news2in

Nagpur: A day after the leopard was encoded at Ramtek Agriculture, forest officials from Bhandara on Saturday found carcasses from six other animals – four illegal domesticities and two.
Prima Facies seem to be that death of all six animals somehow connected with the period and their geographical closeness matches are mostly.
Forest officers have so far contributed women’s leopards, two foxes, forest cats and two domestic dogs.
Sources in the Forestry Department told TOI that all animals were found in what would be identified as ‘ZUDPI Forest’.
Introduction Inspection shows that death occurred two days ago.
Yashwant Nagulwar Forest Assistant Assistant said Sarpanch Village told the officials about the carcass in the afternoon.
“Our team reaches the place and starts combing the area.
We find women’s leopards in one place and animals that are left near each other,” he said.
The air distance between the two points is almost no 1 kilometer, said Nagulwar.
“Through the road it must be 2-3km.
Everyone refers to poisoning because their bodies are intact.
There is no missing part.
We expect postmortem reports on Monday,” he said.
So far, officials rule out a rotten game considering that these animals are not in agricultural land.
“It could be that everything eats something toxic,” Nagulwar said.
Different theories are currently floating in this area of ​​toxic things consumed by all these animals.
A forest official said, “Sometimes when a domestic animal dies in the village, they throw it in such areas and also sprinkle some chemicals so that decomposition takes place faster.
There are six of them eating something like that, which will explain their death timeline The same and proximity.
“On Friday, the leopard at Ramtek was deposited after contact with direct wire installed on a farm.
Forest officials have captured wire and detained by agricultural owners, identified as NS Shivarkar.

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