Nagpur: armed robbers decamp with RS 20 lakh money – News2IN

Nagpur: armed robbers decamp with RS 20 lakh money

Nagpur: armed robbers decamp with RS 20 lakh money
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Three armed robbers fell asleep after taking cash 20 lakh from two employees of the courier company near Chinteshwar Temple in Lakadganj on Saturday.
The robbers have threatened employees at the knifepoint.
Rambhai and the second employee (whose name is unknown) took cash from their office in Itwari to their company’s residence, Rajesh Patel, at Chhapru Nagar when their scooters were intercepted by three robbers.
Thinking that the robbers fled with a scooter where Rambhai and his coworkers drove.
Both employees immediately warned Patel, after which the police from the Lakadganj police station were told.
City police have activated their crime squad team.
CCTV recordings in different locations are being scanned and the robbers’ movement is being followed by the investigation team.

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